- Name: Milena Iakimova
- Email: milena_i@mail.orbitel.bg
- Position in HSSF: member
- University position: Associate Professor at Sociology department, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
2004: PhD in sociology, Sofia University, Supreme Attestation Commission, Late Modernity and Identity (Sociological Concepts of Contemporary Societies)
1994: MA in sociology, Sofia University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology
(2010) Sofia of the Plebeians (The 20-s of the 20th Century). Sofia: Iztok-Zapad. [Bulgarian]
(1997) National Identity in Situation of Transition: Historical Resources. In co-authorship with Grekova,M., Dimitrova, S., Deyanova, L., Boundjulov, A., Kanoushev, M. Sofia: Lik. [Bulgarian]
Introductions and Articles
(2010) The Ordinary: The New Metaphysical Authority of Critique. Critique & Humanism, 35 (special issue), pp.85-102
(2010) Identity and Social Order: Urban Space as Research Laboratory. Sociological Problems (Sotsiologicheski problemi), special issue, pp.187-198
(2010) The Metropolis and the Fragmentation of Social Order. In: Sofia University Year-Book in Sociology. [in print] [Bulgarian] “Rights and their Minorities”.
(2010) In: Genova, Yana and Alexander Kiossev (eds.) Why Do We Speak like that? Language Changes in Transition Period, Sofia: Next Page Foundation. [Bulgarian and English].
(2009) The Soldier-Citizen, the Crook and the Proletarian Pale Son. Critique and Humanism, 29 (2). [Bulgarian].
(2008) The Slow Time of Theoretical Reason. Sociological Problems, 3-4 [Bulgarian].
(2006) Recognition Paradigm as a Normative Orientation for Social Research. Critique and Humanism, special issue, pp. 111-118 [English]
(2006) How to Reach Identities through Discourses. Sociological Problems, 3-4 [Bulgarian]
(2005) The Redistribution of Social Prestige. Sofia, the End of 19th Century. Critique and Humanism, 20 (1). [Bulgarian]
(2002) The Present Situation of Social Sciences and the Use of Practical Reflexivity”. Sociological Problems, 1-2.
(2001) Toward Reflexivity – Practice Relation. Critique and Humanism, 11 (2) [Bulgarian].
(2000) The Political Body and Political Space. Critique and Humanism, 9, (2) [Bulgarian].
(2000) Europe and Its Shadow. http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2002-01-30-nikolova-en.html [Bulgarian].
(1999) The Bulgarian School and the Notion of Europe. In co-authorship with Nikolova, N. and Sabeva, S. Sofia: Balkan Colleges Foundation, [English].
(1999) The Memory, Affectiveness and Effectiveness of Time. Sociological Problems, no. 1-2 [Bulgarian].
(1998) The Geographic Map and the Modern Public Space. Visualizing Space, Inhabiting Space” Critique and Humanism, 5 [Bulgarian].
(1998) Symbolic Topology of the Balkans”, coauthored. Sociological Problems, 1-2 [Bulgarian]
(2002) A postmodern grid of the worldmap? An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman http://wwww.eurozine.com/authors/Yakimova.html [English][ Published 2002/11/08]
2008-2010: member of Nation and Citizenship research project, RCSS, National Scientific Fund, team leader Petya Kabakchieva.
2008-2010: member of Challenges to Representative Democracy Today research project, HSSF, team leader Dimitar Vatsov.
2008-2010: member of Urban Studies: Interdisciplinary Studies for Young Scholars infrastructure project, RCSS, team leader Maya Grekova.
2008-2009: non-key expert in ‘Improvement of the Situation and Inclusion of the Disadvantaged Ethnic Minorities with a Special Focus on Roma. Policy formulation to address disadvantaged ethnic minorities’ health issue at national, regional and community level.’ PHARE BG 2005. EuropaAid/122904/D/SER/BG.
2008-2009: member of Why Do We Speak Like That? (Language Changes in Transition Period) research project, Erste Foundation, Next Page, team leader Alexander Kiossev.
2007-2008: The Need in Collective Identities – Youths’ Assessments, Sofia University, Study course research
2007-2008: The City Poor: Health Surveillance and City Imagery, individual research project, HSSF-Sofia.
2006-2007: Images of Success and Good Life – Youths’ Assessments, Sofia University, Study course research.
2006-2008: member of Sustainable Integration of Research in Academic Teaching infrastructural project Sofia University, Research Center for Social Sciences, team leader Liliana Deyanova.
2004-2005: Identity as Mechanism of Social Control: Sofia in Periods of Sharp Social Transformation, individual research project, MSH-Sofia.
2002: member of City Space: Space of Differences research project, Sofia University, team leader Maya Grekova.
2000: team leader of The Image of Europe in Bulgarian High School research project, Balkan Colleges Foundation & ICSS.
1998: team leader of The Image of the Other: Pupils’ Attitudes and History Textbooks research project, Balkan Colleges Foundation & ICSS.
1998-1999: member of Consultations with the Poor international comparative research, World Bank, team leader Petya Kabakchieva.
Urban Studies, social theory and diagnostics of contemporary societies, qualitative research methods.