• Name:  Martin Kanoushev
  • Email: mkanoushev@gmail.com
  • Position in HSSF: Member
  • University position: Associate Professor in Sociology at New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Academic degrees and education

2007 Habilitation in Sociology at the Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department “Sociology of Deviant Behavior (The Social Construction of Deviant Subject)

2000 PhD in Sociology at the Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department “Sociology of Deviant Behavior (Crime, Criminality, Punishment: A Sociological Study of the Penal Justice)

1991 MA in Sociology at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Philosophy (Symbol and Rationality: A Sociological Reflection on the Problem of Phenomenological Layer of Consciousness)



2008 The Social Construction of Deviant Subject. Sofia: KX Publishing House


2010 Penal Prevention and Security Measures: Bulgarian Criminal Law, 1970-1989. In: Shaken Order: Authority and Social Trust in Post-communist Socities (Case-studies in Law). Center for Advanced Study, Sofia.

2009 Expert Examination, Norm and Truth in the Bulgarian Judiciary System. In: “Rules” and “Roles”. Fluid Institutions and Hybrid Identities in East European Transformation Processes (1989 – 2005). Lit Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

2009 Regimes of Truth: Social Context of Authority of the Criminal Law in the Bulgarian “Transitions”. Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia.

2009 Punishment and Revolutionary Expedience: Bulgarian Criminal Law, 1944-1956 г. Critique and Humanism 29.

2009 Constant Surveillance and Infra-penality: Bulgarian Criminal Law, 1957-1969. Sociological Problems 3-4.

2007 Ethics in Forensic Genetics (co-authored). In: The Institutionalization of Ethics in Science Policy, Genewatch, London, United Kingdom.

2007 Law and Psychiatry: Concerning the Problem of Medicalizing Forms of Crime. Sociological Problems 1-2.

2006 Biopolitics and Human Rights: a Genealogy of the Problem of Euthanasia. Sociological Problems 1-2.

2006 Social Inter-times and Political Rationality: toward Sociology of Govermentality. In: The Worlds in Sociology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

2006 Transformations of the Institutional Practices in the Bulgarian Legal System: Criminal Law and Psychiatric Knowledge. Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia.

2005 The Modern Prison – Conditions of Possibility and Principles of Existence. In: Sociology of Deviant Behaviour, Prosveta, Sofia.

2005 Method and Rationality or for the Research Possibilities of the Ethnomethodology. Sociological Problems 1-2.


2007 Introduction to Doctoral Research – Problems and Perspectives, Critique and Humanism 24 (co-authored).

2006 Introduction to Higher Education and Scientific Research in Knowledge Based Societies, Critique and Humanism 21.

2006 Introduction to Biopolitics and Bioethics, Sociological Problems 1-2, (co-authored).

2004 Introduction to Norm and Pathologies, Critique and Humanism Journal 17.


2005 Method and Rationality or How is Possible the Sociology of Everyday Live. In: Bulgarian Language Edition of Le Monde Diplomatique, March.

2005 Machine and Production: toward Ontology of Desire. In: Bulgarian Language Edition of Le Monde Diplomatique, June.

2005 Memory and History or for the Truth between Facts and Interpretations. In: Bulgarian Language Edition of Le Monde Diplomatique, July.


2008-2009 Fellowship, Centre for Advanced Studies, Sofia, Research Topic: “Regimes of Truth: Social Context of Authority of the Criminal Law in Bulgarian “Transitions”.

2005-2006 Fellowship, Centre for Advanced Studies, Sofia, Research Topic: “Transformations of the Institutional Practices in the Bulgarian Legal System: Criminal Law and Psychiatric Knowledge”.

2004 Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, Graz, Austria, Research Topic: “Technological Construction and Postmodern Metamorphoses of the Biopolitics: from Disciplinary Technologies to Biotechnologies of Control”.

2003 Fellowship, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Wassenaar, Research Topic: “Penal Power and Social Identity: Late modern versus Post-socialist Societies”.

2000-2001 Fellowship, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Societe, Sofia-Paris, Research Topic: “Norm, Deviation and Pathology in the Criminal Law (Sociological Perspective)”.

1995-1996 Fellowship, Research Support Scheme, Open Society Foundation, Prague, Research Topic: “National Identity in the Period of Transition – Historical Resources”.

1992-1993 Post-graduate Specialization in History of Sociology at the Department of Sociology, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.

Research Interests

Sociology of power, law and medicine