- Name: Elitza Stanoeva
- Email: elitza.stanoeva@metropolitanstudies.de
- Position in HSSF: Member
- University position: Visiting Assistant Professor at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Department of Sociology
2013 PhD in History, Technical University Berlin
2004 MA in History, Central European University, Budapest
2003 MA in Philosophy, Sofia University
2016 (forthcoming) Sofia: ideology, urban planning and life under socialism. Sofia: Prosveta [in Bulgarian]
2001 (with Dimitar Denkov and Vassil Vidinski) Roma Schools in Bulgaria 2001. Sofia: Open Society Foundation [Bulgarian and English editions]
Articles in peer-reviewed journals and collected volumes
2015 Socialist trade in Bulgaria (1954-1963): ideology, discipline and marketing. Sociological Problems, 3-4, pp. 228-249 [in Bulgarian]
2015 The organization of socialist trade in Bulgaria, 1954-1963: doctrinal contradictions and inter-institutional tensions, Sociological Problems 1-2 [in Bulgarian], pp. 111 – 133
2014 Abreast with the times: two monuments of socialism in their own time, in Milena Iakimova, Petya Kabakchieva, Marina Liakova and Veronica Dimitrova (eds.), Following the steps of the Other: a collection in honor of Maya Grekova. Sofia: Prosveta, pp. 240-252 [in Bulgarian]
2014 Architectural Praxis in Sofia: The Changing Perception of ‘Oriental’ Urbanity and ‘European’ Urbanism (1879-1940), in Jan C. Behrends and Martin Kohlrausch (eds.), Races to Modernity: Metropolitan Aspirations in Eastern Europe, 1890-1940. Budapest: CEU Press, pp. 177-201
2013 Interpretations of the Ottoman Urban Legacy in the National Capital Building of Sofia (1878-1940), in Eyal Ginio and Karl Kaser (eds.), Ottoman Legacies in the Balkans and the Middle East. Jerusalem: European Forum at the Hebrew University, pp. 209-230
2013 Building the socialist city: egalitarianism versus monumentalism?], Critique & Humanism 42, pp. 55-94 [in Bulgarian]
2011 The Dead Body of the Leader as an Organizing Principle of Socialist Public Space: The Mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov in Sofia. In M. Behrensen, L. Lee, A. S. Tekelioglu (eds.), Modernities Revisited, IWM Junior Visiting Fellows Conferences, vol. XIX. Vienna: IWM
2011 Paths of education, Critique & Humanism 36, pp. 299-306 [in Bulgarian]
2010 Sofia, in Emily G. Makas and Tanya D. Conley (eds.), Capital Cities in the Aftermath of Empires: Planning Central and Southeastern Europe. London: Routledge, pp. 91-107
2010 The Central City Square as a Legitimation Resource: The Main Square of Socialist Sofia. Critique & Humanism, 33, рр.111-138. [in Bulgarian, English version in Critique & Humanism 35/2010, pp.285-320]
2009 Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Urban Mass Transportation: The Introduction of Trams in Sofia (1901-1916). Іn: A. Svetieva, A. Ashtalkovska (eds.), Social and Spiritual Aspects of Material Culture. Skopje: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, pp.498-511.
2006 Football and the City. An Extraordinary Month in the Life of Berlin, Sociological Problems 3-4, рр.114-130 [in Bulgarian]
2005 A Discourse on City Modernization: The Construction of the Tram Network in Sofia (1901-1934), Critique & Humanism 20, рр.259-282 [in Bulgarian]
2004 The Market Hall in the Modern Topology of Sofia: Symbolic and Socio-Political Projections, Sociological Problems 3-4, рр.289-306 [in Bulgarian]
Editorial work (journal issues)
2014 (co-edited with Tom Junes) issue 43 of Critique & Humanism: Youth cultures of socialism and post-socialism: lifestyles, conformism and rebellion [in Bulgarian]
2013 (co-edited with Maya Grekova) issue 42 of Critique & Humanism: The city as a stake in local and global politics [in Bulgarian]
2011 (co-edited with Dimitar Vatsov) issue 36 of Critique & Humanism: Quality of higher education in national and global contexts [in Bulgarian]
Other publications (editorials and interviews)
2014 (with Tom Junes) Editorial, Critique & Humanism 43, pp. 5-17 [in Bulgarian; English translation in Eurozine, available at: http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2015-05-06-junes-en.html)
2013 (with Maya Grekova) Editorial, Critique & Humanism 42, pp. 5-14 [in Bulgarian]
2012 Interview with Saskia Sassen, The Global City: A Structural Hole in the Tissue of Sovereign National Territory, Critique & Humanism 40, pp. 115-132 [Bulgarian translation in Sociological Problems 3-4/2011, pp. 319-339]
2011 Interview with Luca Giuliani, Defining research priorities in the European context, Critique & Humanism 36, pp. 287-298 [in Bulgarian translation]
2011 Interview with Diana Mishkova, The agency of the periphery after the fallout of the old centrisms, Critique & Humanism 36, pp. 267-286 [in Bulgarian]
2011 (with Dimitar Vatsov) Editorial, Critique & Humanism 36, pp. 5-15 [in Bulgarian; English translation in Eurozine, available at: http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2011-06-30-critiquehumanism-en.html)
2014 Conference “Contradictions of the legacy: a virtual museum of socialism (7-9 March 2014, Plovdiv), Sociological Problems 3-4, pp. 392-396 [in Bulgarian]
2012 Needed by Nobody: Homelessness and Humanness in Post-Socialist Russia – by Tova Höjdestrand, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 36, pp. 206-207
2010 Crisis Management Without Reforms. Monthly Lecture of Lajos Bokros. IWMpost, 103, р.5.
2004 International Atelier for Photo and Video Documentaries Visual Roads for the Intercultural Dialogue. Sociological Problems, 3-4, рр.394-7 [in Bulgarian]
2004 Visual Roads for the Intercultural Dialogue. Kultura, 45, р.2 [in Bulgarian]
2016 (March – July) junior fellow within Advanced Academia Program, Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia
2015 (June – August) Young Eastern European Fellowship, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam
2014-2015 (April 2014 – March 2015) fellowship at Exzellenzcluster “Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration,” Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolleg, Konstanz University
2011-2012 (November 2011 – April 2012) Tsvetan Stoyanov Fellowship, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna
2010 (January – June) Paul Celan visiting fellowship for translators, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna
2008 (March – June) doctoral support grant from Dr. Egon und Hildegard Diener-Stiftung
2008 (February – March) doctoral support grant from FAZIT Stiftung
2007 (September) grant for the summer school “Comparative and Trans-National Approaches to the History of Early Modern and Modern Europe: Theories, Methodology and Historical Case Studies,” European University Institute, Florence
2006 (March – May) visiting fellowship at Berliner Kolleg für vergleichende Geschichte Europas, Free University, Berlin
2005-2006 (December 2005 – February 2006) visiting fellowship in „Eliten Wandel“ project at Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, Leipzig
2006-2007 (June 2006 – December 2007) doctoral fellowship from the German Research Association (DFG) at the Transatlantic Graduate Research Program Berlin – New York “History and Culture of Metropolis in the 20th century,” Center for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin
2005 (January – September) octoral fellowship from the German Research Association (DFG) at the Transatlantic Graduate Research Program Berlin – New York “History and Culture of Metropolis in the 20th century,” Center for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin
2003-2004 (September 2003 – June 2004) full MA scholarship, Central European University, Budapest
2000-2001 (October 2000 – June 2001) academic award grant from the Open Society Foundation – Sofia for a project in humanities
1999-2000 (October 1999 – June 2000) academic award grant from the Open Society Foundation – Sofia for a project in humanities
Urban studies; Cold War history; Historical sociology of socialism
Urbanization and city development in Central and Eastern Europe in socialism and post-socialism; Monuments and visual propaganda of socialism; Socialist celebrations and anniversaries; State bureaucracy and institutional dynamics under socialism; Command economy of socialism; Socialist trade and consumption;