- Name: Dimitar Vatsov
- Email: vatsov_d@hssfoundation.org
- Position in HSSF: President
- University position: Associate professor, New Bulgarian University, Department of Philosophy and Sociology
2007 Habilitation in Philosophy (Freedom and recognition. The Interactive Sources of Identity)
2003 PhD, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Ontology of Affirmation. Nietzsche as a Task)
2009 Essays on Power and Truth. Sofia: New Bulgarian University, р.229 [in Bulgarian].
2006 Freedom and Recognition. The Interactive Sources of Identity. Sofia: New Bulgarian University, p.236. [in Bulgarian].
2003 Ontology of Affirmation. Nietzsche as a Task. Sofia: East-West Publishers, p.369. [in Bulgarian].
(n/a) The Skeptical Paradox in Wittgenstein: Other Routes to Solve It?” In: Weiberg, A. (ed.), Der verworrene Gebrauch der psychologishen Begriffswoerter. Wien: Verein “Freunde des Hauses Wittgenstein” [in print]
2010 Performatives: Violence and demiurgic power. Critique & Humanism, 35 (special issue)
2010 The Performative: Sovereign Power instead of Resistance? Critique & Humanism, 32 (2) [in Bulgarian]
2009 Identity in Question. An Attempt at a Methodological Discussion. Kabakchieva, P. and Kiossev, A. (eds.), “Rules” and “Roles”, Münster: Lit Verlag.
2009 Afterword: Metaphor, Reification and Truth”. In: Karabadjakov, C. (ed.), Nietzsche, Metaphor, Metaphysics. Sofia: Balkanica [in Bulgarian]
2008 The Temporal Turn in the Theories of Truth. ALTERA ACADEMICA, 3 [in Bulgarian]
2008 Nietzsche and the Politics Today. Critique & Humanism, 25 (1) [in Bulgarian]
2007 Tolerance et reconnaissance negative”. In: Charles, S. (ed.), Repenser la tolerance en contexte multipolaire. Histoires, raisons, enjeux, limites. Sofia: East-West Publishers
2006 The Collective Connections after the Secular Critique”. In: Znepolski, I. (ed.), Around Charles Taylor. Sofia: MSHS [in Bulgarian]
2006 Is the Struggle for Recognition Peaceful? Critical Interventions Regarding Axel Honneth’s Paradigm of Recognition. Critique & Humanism, 22 [In English and Bulgarian]
2007–2010 Member of the Board of the Bulgarian Society of Publishers in Humanities
2006–2010 Director of basic knowledge courses at New Bulgarian University
2004-2006 Director of BP Philosophy at New Bulgarian University
2004-2008 Lecturer at Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski
since 2002 President of Human and Social Studies Foundation – Sofia
since 1999 Editor-in-chief of Critique & Humanism journal