- Name: Boyan Znepolski
- Email: boyanzep@gmail.com
- Position in HSSF: member
- University position: Associate Professor, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Department of Sociology
1999 PhD in philosophy and social sciences, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris, France)
1994 MA in philosophy and social sciences, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris, France)
1993 MA in philosophy, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
2007 The Limits of the Subject, Sofia: AGATA-A.
2004 Hermeneutic Paradigms, Sofia: AGATA-A.
Introductions and Articles
2009 The Power that everyone exercises (Introduction) In Dimitar Vatsov, Essays on Power and Truth, Sofia, New Bulgarian University.
2009 „L’Atelier du roman”: a storage or an exile of the novel. Critique and humanism Journal, 29, (2), pp. 325-341.
2009 The concept of ideology and its successors. Sociological problems, special issue, pp. 159-76.
2008 The Bulgarian press and the projections of successful life. Sociological problems 3-4, pp. 73-80.
2007 The concept of ideology and its successors. Sociological problems, special issue, pp. 59-76.
2006 From Individuality to Subjectivity or from Subjectivity to Individuality. Critique and Humanism Journal [International issue in English and German], 21. pp. 131-138.
2006 Co je to kreativni jednani? (“What creative action does it mean?”). In J. Capek, A. Svec (Eds.), Filosofie jednani (Philosophy of Action), Prague, pp. 172-183.
2008 Concilier Marx et Heidegger? Divinatio Journal, Le silence sur le communisme, 27 (spring-summer), pp. 227-240.
2005 La querelle du sujet et ses voix. Divinatio Journal, Dossier: Umberto Eco – signes, représentations, interprétations, publ. by MSHS, 21 (spring-summer), pp. 143-155.
May 2007 Visiting Fellow at Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris, France)
2005-2009 Academic Fellowship Program (Returning Scholar), HESP (Open Society Institute, Budapest)
April – June 2004 Visiting Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS).
November 2003 Invited Researcher at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme – Nord Pas de Calais (University of Lille III «Charles de Gaulle»).
February – March 2003 Participation in the International Project “Renewing the Higher Education in Social Sciences in Bulgaria: Interdisciplinarity and Harmonisation with the European Standards”, Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany).
February – March 2001 Invited Researcher at Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris).
Sociology of Culture, Methodology of Social Sciences, Hermeneutics, Critical Theory