- Name: Boyan Manchev
- Email: hssfoundation1@gmail.com
- Position in HSSF: Member
- University position: Program Director and Vice-President of the International College of Philosophy (Paris); Senior Lecturer at the Department of History of Culture (New Bulgarian University); Guest Professor at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
1998 PhD, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (PhD thesis: The Narrative System of Dostoevsky’s Novels)
1997 MA in Philosophy, Department of Cultural Theory, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (MA thesis: Typology of the Avant-Garde Art)
1994 MA in Bulgarian Language and Literature, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (MA thesis:The Construction of Meaning in Dostoevsky’s Novels. Sofia University)
2009 L’altération du monde. Pour une esthétique radicale, Paris: Nouvelles Editions Lignes.
2009 La métamorphose et l’instant. Désorganisation de la vie, Paris/Strasbourg: Les éditions de la Phocide.
2008 The Body-Metamorphosis, Sofia: Altera.
2003 The Unimaginable. Essays in Philosophy of the Image. Sofia: NBU Press.
2009 Rue Descartes 64 : La Métamorphose, ed. by Boyan Manchev, Paris: PUF.
2010 Rue Descartes 67 : Quel sujet du politique?, Ivekovic, R., Basterra, G. et Manchev, B. Paris: PUF, janvier.
Papers (selection)
2010 Sujet événementiel ou événement-sujet. Rue Descartes 67 (janvier).
2009 Aisthetisch Alteration und Radikaler Materialismus. In: Schmidt-Grépály,. R., Hgs. Auf Nietzsches Balkon. Philosophische Beiträge aus der Villa Silberblick. Bauhaus Universität Verlag, October.
2009 Terror and the Crisis of the Political. In: Das, S.K. ed. Terror, Terrorism, States and Societies. Delhi: Women Unlimited, October.
2009 Communauté et ontologie modale. In: Cahiers philosophiques de Strasbourg, I.
2009 La liberté sauvage. Lignes, I. [Japanese translation in Gendaisiso, 2009.]
2008 La terreur et la sortie, in Rue Descartes 62: Terreur et terrorismes (sous la dir. de Rada Ivekovic), Paris, PUF, décembre.
2009 Alexandre Kojève and the End of Politics. European Project and European Praxis. Europa, London, March.
2009 La métamorphose du monde. Europe n°960, Paris, avril.
2009 La métamorphose et l’événement. In: Rue Descartes 64: La Métamorphose (sous la dir. de Boyan Manchev), Paris, mai.
2009 The Metaseminar. Theses on Education and Critical Thought. In: Springerin, Wien, Spring [English translation available at http://www.springerin.at/dyn/heft_text.php?textid=2206〈=en]
2009 The Disfigured Body and the Fetish of the Inorganic. In: Kiossev, A., ed. Interface Sofia, Sofia: Visual Seminar
2008 17 Theses for a European Movement, in Europa, London, April.
2007 Jean-Luc Nancy, la déconstruction du christianisme, Critique, 718,(mars).
2007 Noise: l’organologie désorganisée, Multitudes, 28 (mars).
2007 The Krisis of Aisthesis. The Surcritique of Georges Bataille. In: Huber, J. et al (eds.) Asthetik der kritik – verdeckte ermittlung. Wien: Zürich & Springer-Verlag
2006 Transformance: The Body of Event. In: It takes place when it doesn’t. Frankfurt am Main: Revolver Verlag.
2006 The Fall before the Subject, Critique & Humanism, 22 (bilingual edition).
2006 Transformability. Performing Society and Contemporary Conditions of Dance”. In Defining the Undefinable. European Dance Houses: A Recent Reality, Theater der Zeit, April.
2005 Der totale Körper der Lust. Postkommunistische Gemeinschaft – Repräsentation und Exzess. Transl. in German by Nikolaus G. Schneider. In: Groys, B. Heiden, A. et Weibel, P. (eds.) Zurück aus der Zukunft. Osteuropäische Kulturen im Zeitaler des Postcommunismus. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag.
2005 La désorganisation de la vie. Lignes, 17. [Extended Bulgarian version in Altera Academica, 1 2007].
2005 La vita fissata e la natura morta: l’immagine et la finitudine. Transl. in Italian by Federico Nicolao. Chorus una costellazione. Rivista culturale europea, 2.
2004 Proteus and the Prosthesis. Internet in Anthropological Perspective. Sociological Problems, Winter.
2003 Modernity and Antimodernity. The Bulgarian National Exoticism. In: Vacheva, A. and Chobanova, G. (eds.) The End of the Modernity. Sofia: Liternet.
2003 Introduction to Corpus by Jean-Luc Nancy: “The Body and its Corpus”. Sofia: LIK.
2003 Postcritical Ontologies: The Problem of Being in Gilles Deleuze and Alain Badiou. Democraticheski pregled, 51.
2002 Donner corps à la mort. In: Autour de Jacques Derrida. Actes du colloque Le discours monstrueux. Ed. Ivaylo Znepolski. Sofia: Maison des sciences de l’homme.
2002 Ulysses and its Double. Critique and Humanism, 1.
Reviews (selection)
2009 Miglena Nikolchina, New Name in French Theory. Boyan Manchev and the Effort of Thought, Kultura, 38 (2566).
2009 La métamorphose, le monde. Entretien de Boyan Manchev et Jean-Luc Nancy, in Rue Descartes 64: La Métamorphose (sous la dir. de Boyan Manchev), Paris, 2009.
2009 La danse, la métamorphose du corps. Entretien de Boyan Manchev, Xavier Le Roy et Franz Anton Cramer, in Rue Descartes 64: La Métamorphose (sous la dir. de Boyan Manchev), Paris, 2009
2009 Entretien avec Jean-Clet Martin autour du livre L’altération du monde, in Strass de la philosophie, mai 2009.
2008 Entretien avec Gérard Mayen pour la revue Mouvement (Paris): « La résistance de la danse »
2008 Participated in the Japanese Documentary Movie Droit à la philosophie
2007 Darin Tenev, “Opening – for the Body”, Kultura, 38, 2007.
2005 “The Body is out of itself”, Conversation with Marin Bodakov, Altera, 5
2004 Roland Schenke, “Body Politics – Postkommunistische Asthetik des Politischen. Ein interview mit dem bulgarischen Kulturtheoretiker Boyan Manchev”. Springerin, 1
2003 Darin Tenev, “The Areality of the Body.” Kultura, 29, 2003.
2003 Vladimir Gradev, “In the Labirynths of the Unimaginable” Kultura, 37, 2003.
Manchev has lectured widely at European and North-American universities and cultural institutions. He has also organised number of congresses and public forums dealing with philosophy, art and politics, and has collaborated with artists in different fields.
Guest Professor at the Sofia University and at the Academy for Theater and Film in Sofia (2006), he also organised and/or collaborated to projects of ZKM (Karlsruhe), Tanzquartier (Vienna), CND (Paris), Apexart (New York), ICA (Sofia), Kunsthaus (Dresden), EHESS (Paris), IWM (Vienna), Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche (Weimar), BAK (Utrecht), among others.
His actual research is focused on the relation between aesthetics, ontology and politics.