• Name: Blagovest Zlatanov
  • Email: bzlatanov@soemz.uni-sofia.bg
  • Position in HSSF: Member
  • University position: Associate Professor, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Department of Literary Theory
Academic degrees and education

1999 PhD in Theory of Literature, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (thesis: Intention and Meaning of Verse Texts)

1991 MA in Bulgarian Language and Literature, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (thesis: The Image of Balkan in the Bulgarian Poetry until 1870ies)

  • Monographs

2008 Reflection: Self-referentiality in Epistemology and the Social World. Studies written on the occasion of the discussion series organized by the Centre of Advanced Study Sofia, 2004-2006, ed. B. Zlatanov. CAS Sofia, Riva Publishing House, Sofia

2004 Engendering Meaning, eds. R. Kuncheva, K. Protohristova, B. Zlatanov, Sofia.

2000 New Publicity. Bulgarian Debates, ed. B. Zlatanov. Open Society Foundation, Sofia [in Bulgarian and English]

1999 The Game of Masks, “Neue Literatur”, eds. B. Zlatanov und A. Kiossev, Frankfurt am Main [in German]

1999 Language. Literature. Identity, eds. B. Biolchev, V. Stefanov, B. Zlatanov, Sofia University Press, Sofia [in Bulgarian]

1997 The Anarchist-Legislator. Scientific Articles on the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Nikola Georgiev, eds. B. Zlatanov. R. Kolarov, V. Todorov, Sofia

  • Papers

Around 60 papers, introductions and reviews


since September 2010 Guest-Lecturer, University of Cologne

1997-2010 14 Fellowships in Bulgaria, Germany, Switzerland, and England

Research Interests

Literary Theory and Philosophy of the Early German Romantics